Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pharmacists Can Replace Drugs

In the framework of the implementation of Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.02.02/Menkes/068/I/2010 concerning the Use of Generic Drugs in Health Care Facilities Government, Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih requires health workers to use generic drugs. 
Not only doctors, pharmacists also can replace drugs with generic drugs. Ministry of Health is now spreading circular letter to government hospitals, including the pharmacist. Pharmacists can replace prescription drugs with generic drugs that their quality is guaranteed. "Pharmacists can directly replace," said Endang. Allowed pharmacists to substitute drugs is certainly a challenge for professional pharmacists. On the one hand means that already there is a recognition of the health community, on the other pharmacist colleagues should always enhance his understanding of the drug in order to provide good service. 
Role of Pharmacists in implementing regulations HK.02.02/Menkes/068/I/2010 very large number, since between prescribing and availability of generic drugs like eggs and chicken. If not prescribed, then the producers see the market of generic drugs is less well so they do not provide them. Instead, doctors are reluctant to prescribe generic drugs for reasons not available. Government has rationalized the price for generic drugs available. 
Come peer to peer it's time we show the performance of professional pharmacists!

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